Let’s understand your data

Our team of data experts help you define, understand and communicate your data, so you can master your product.

Get in touch

How can we help ?

Data visualization

You’d like to know the health of your product or company at a blink of an eye ? We’ll make a clear report in no time.

BI Tools benchmark

Don't know what tool to use ? Explain us your needs and we'll convince you that Metabase is your best option.

KPI's definition

If you have so many metrics you want to follow but you are having trouble finding the most relevant ones, let’s have a chat, we can work on the impactful ones.

Data management

You have all of these data, but they are so hard to join, or to cross-analyse. We can help you make them readable and understandable by your whole team.

Share your data thanks to us

Communicate your data to your teams, your board, investors and partners

  • Make powerful decisions with the best insights

  • Share your data with investors or partners

  • Communicate your data among your teams

What did we do?

For public companies, private startups or scale-ups, we have analysed users' behaviours, companies profitability, optimised startups growth.


Money walkie

We recommended and implemented the right tools for the board



We set up dashboards for market, product and support purposes



We built the right dashboards for the right persons : board, CFO and the farm’s team



We created public impact dashboards


Jardin mental

We implemented performance and feature launch dashboard tracking KPIs for mobile and web applications


Oz ensemble

we built performance and app dashboards to monitor the product success and growth

le stud data consultants

How our dashboards look like

We personnalize your dashboards to best fit your business needs. Thanks to the various talents in our team and our previous experiences in BI tools, we are able to build the best boards for you.

Let’s build your dashboard

Le Stud has been drastically helping La Fabrique driving four products in a smart and data-focused way, through Metabase. They took care of the set-up and of the creation of various dashboards, giving us strong advice on which KPIs to measure and on how to follow them. We’ve seen the difference since our collaboration : we love the impact-oriented mindset of the team, often challenging our analytics, and the huge value of Metabase. Now, we can’t spend a day without checking our dashboards.

Caroline, Coach Product at La Fabrique

Thanks to Le Stud, our team is able to use efficiently Metabase and therefore to drive our product focussing on our users’ behaviours. The team has helped us choose and set-up the appropriate tools to follow our users in our platform, even though our needs were pretty complex. Every time we need help, the team quickly answers, writing queries, handling the data and teaching us. Thanks to their expertise, we now have clear and useful analytics to work on, or to communicate to other teams. We would recommend working with Le Stud : you quickly feel they master analytics and Metabase.

Marguerite, Product Data at beta.gouv

Le Stud has been helping us gathering our data and implementing analytics dashboards. We are now able to follow and understand the evolution of our monthly recurrent revenue, our acquisition channels, our sales, our customers profiles… They showed us all the options Metabase offers, and we now not only understand our dashboards, but we also create graphs to visualize the data we need ourselves.

Maxime, Product Growth at Money Walkie

Le Stud team set up all our data environment on Metabase. The dashboards help us maintain a high-level overview of Selego's financial health and overall performance. We are now able to cross financial data with sales and production data and this has been a game changer in terms of tracking our KPIs and reinforcing our priorities within our company. It also helped us improve the communication among the team as the dashboards are easy to share.

Sebastien, CTO at Selego

Who are we?

We are a team of data and product experts, with tech and entrepreneurial background. We’ve dealt with the issues you are having and can help you solve them. Whether you need help in defining your Kpis or choosing your BI tool, we’ve got you covered.


Data analyst

Data analyst and expert of data visualisation, Noémie knows what data you need, how to get them and how to make them powerful. She’s built 50+ key dashboards on Metabase on 10+ startups, and therefore, masters SQL queries.


Data lead tech

As a lead tech and the previous cofounder of several companies, Raphael always provides great advice on technical choices, and helps on environment set-ups. He’s been working with the French government for 3 years.


Product manager

As a Product Manager, Louisa has built several dashboards to help teams lead their product according to their users behaviours and to their KPIs. She has proven experience in analysing numbers, and taking relevant business decisions.


Data product owner

As a data product owner, Louise has been helping Champerché and Money Walkie doing striking dashboards for boards : the teams could now be aware of any data concerning their business, while keeping key numbers in mind.

What are our favourite tools ?

These are the ones we master and recommend in most of cases, but let’s talk.
Arise Health logoThe Paak logoOE logo2020INC logoEphicient logo

Let’s make
your data talk

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Let’s make your data talk

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